Training services
Scroll down to see more information about the experiential workshops that I offer

What is ethical leadership?
This one-day course provides an overview of ethical leadership theory and practices. You'll explore why ethical leaders need a combination of courage and receptivity. You and your team will then experience a focused opportunity to explore the principles of ethical leadership in your specific context. You will be supported to develop immediate, actionable strategies that will improve justice and well-being in your workplace, and help you develop your own authentic ethical leadership.

Accommodating neurodivergence at work
This one or two day workshop will give you and your team a deep understanding of neurodivergence. The session will bust myths about autism, ADHD, dyslexia and other neurological-developmental differences, using the most recent, reliable research evidence. The session will explore the limitations and 'superpowers' that neurodivergent people bring to the workplace and help you develop actionable accommodations now, to help you and your neurodivergent team-mates to thrive.

Co-production and ethics
This one day experiential workshop will present the main principles that ground co-production. You will learn about the specific ethical challenges and benefits to co-producing with service beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Co-production is not only a justice-oriented practice, but it also helps to achieve outcomes that are more innovative, more relevant, and more emancipatory. This workshop will result in immediately actionable insights that your team can use to co-produce more effectively and more ethically.

Creativity and flourishing
This one or two day workshop introduces your team to a range of accessible, enjoyable, and insightful creative practices. Use creative activities to unlock insights, troubleshoot problems, develop more connected relationships, and nourish your personal development.
The workshop is designed to be easy to participate in, with no prior creative ability needed, but it will still result in rich inspiration, connection, and solution discovery for your team.

Appreciative enquiry
Appreciative enquiry is a method used by teams all over the world to transform organisational cultures, overcome limited or negative dynamics, and deepen what is already of value in your team or organisation.
This workshop will guide your team through a facilitated appreciative enquiry process, to explore what is most meaningful, redirect energy towards good outcomes, and empower positive change.

Anti-oppressive practice
This accessible one or two day experiential session introduces your team to the basics of anti-oppressive practice. The training will demystify terms such as equality and inclusion, to move the team away from tick-box EDI exercises to a deep understanding and lived experience of mutuality and belonging. We will deconstruct what a 'safer' space looks like, what intersectionality means, and what identity first language enables.
Facilitation of this session will attend to the needs of individuals and groups dynamics, to create an explicitly anti-oppressive learning space.

Decolonising our community
This one or two day reflective space will allow your team to identify and de-link from some of the colonial assumptions that are limiting your flourishing or service. You will learn about the colonial matrix of power, border thinking, and Enlightenment assumptions, exploring their impact on you and your organisation. You'll draw from Indigenous and decolonial theories to re-construct your relational and working practices along more community-oriented, rest-based, and improvisational values, supporting you to flourish and experience deeper wellness and connectedness as a group of people.
Please note, as a white woman I enter this space as a visitor and learner, with deep respect for the decolonising pioneers whose work I honour with this workshop. I acknowledge my continuing benefit from coloniality, and affirm my intention to relinquish and disrupt my own whiteness. Half of the profit from this workshop is given to charities that benefit people of colour in the U.k. and abroad.

This enjoyable experiential workshop will give your team a life-changing opportunity to develop skills in metacommunication.
Metacommunication is 'talking about how we communicate'. It fosters authenticity, transparency, responsiveness, and mutuality in personal and professional relationships. In this workshop, you'll develop the capacity to disclose safely and ethically what your intentions are, and what the impact on you is of the other person's communication. Metacommunication builds trust and clarity in discussions, and it is the core skill necessary to create just and equitable relationships.

Bespoke workshops
If your team has a specific need or aspiration in relation to justice, community, or ethics, I may be able to tailor a specific learning experience that meets your need exactly. Contact me to enquire!